Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Twinkie Chan I think I love you

OK I sound a bit stalkerish, but she comes up with the cutest crochet patterns.  2 Christmas' ago DH bought me Twinkie Chan's book "20 Yummy Treats to Wear."  I started following Twinkie's blargh. This year she has 2 free patterns on the Michael's website for February.  I tend to like to make things that are cute and fun rather than just beautiful.  So, her aesthetic is right up my alley.  There I go using that word that is overused on Project Runway and makes me want to smack someone.  Not you Twinkie never want to smack you.

Here is my Chocolate Truffle Scarf.

I also made Twinkie's Sweetheart Sugar Cookie Brooches.  I made 3 for my daughter and her college roommates and 1 for me of course.  Sorry about the blurry photos, but sometimes I get so excited to give something away I forget to take pictures all together.  This time I hurriedly took some before I gave them away. 



  1. Lynne! You're the cutest!!! Thank you so much for your support!

    Let me know if you want me to link your blog in my blog entry from today. I never know if people prefer anonymity, or they prefer I promote them :)


  2. Uh, that was me. My google accounts are all funky!
