Saturday, November 19, 2011

Where Has November Gone?

It occurred to me on Friday that Thanksgiving is a week away.  I've bought nothing!  Not even a turkey.  I like to get a turkey some where between 23-25 pounds and if I don't get it pronto it won't be defrosted in time.  So, out I went on Friday to get at least a turkey.

When I found out that DH's family weren't coming to Thanksgiving this year (due to health issues of their matriarch) this cut my cooking and planning in half.  I was disappointed they weren't coming, but tickled that Thanksgiving isn't going to be a 3 ring cooking circus.  It's going to be my extend family and I cook a meal for them about every month.  No biggie there.

I got so relaxed about it all I completely forgot that a little planning and prep was needed.

Hot Cranberry Cider
Mashed Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts
Homemade Dinner rolls
Cranberry Sauce, Jellied
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie
Whipped Cream

Every thing will be made by me except for the canned jellied cranberry sauce.  I just love it for some strange reason.

I don't like sweet potatoes and nobody has ever complained that there aren't any.  I also don't like the green bean casserole frequently pushed this time of year.  Sometimes I'll make a wild rice mushroom dish if I'm feeling ambitious.  Frequently, we'll have a green salad too.  It's a big meal and I plan for leftovers.  That's why I get a big turkey.  Everyone can take some home for sandwiches the next day.

On another topic I crocheted a hat to test a pattern for a designer this week.  Here is a picture of the hat.  This Jester doesn't like to be called a fool. :)

FYI:  This pattern is sold on Ravelry (free site to join).  It is located here Silly Court Jester/ Elf hat.  I found the pattern easy to follow and crocheted up fairly quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I've been searching for a pattern just like this. Any chance you'd like to share it with me? I really need this. Please contact me. I'd be willing to pay for it.
