Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winston the Bionic Dog is Doing Great

He has just one problem... he doesn't look when you call him.  He also doesn't come when you call him either.  I've never met a dog I couldn't get to look at the camera with a number of different word tricks.  He didn't fall for a single one.  Never does.  After he's healed my SIL plans in putting him in obedience lessons to find out how to get his attention from a professional.

Anyhow his pacemaker is working great.  His appetite is better than before the surgery.  His energy is better also.  Although we would have never known his energy was down.  He was always a perky pup.  This type of surgery is done once a week at UCD and is very successful.  My SIL said the scariest part of the whole ordeal was the 3 days they had to wait before the surgery could be done.  They just prayed he didn't die before they surgery.

Here is Winston and his full body Mohawk.  The stitches on his side are where the pacemaker is.  You can feel the wire just under the skin going from it up to the front of the neck where it attaches to his heart.

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