Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Zingy Zig-Zags Earns Respect

Zingy Zig-Zags, yep that's what the pattern is called for this delightful afghan.  I have to admit I don't like it.  I call my afghan Autumn Zigs.  I saw this pattern on the front cover of Leisure Arts book #3818 called "Scrap Afghans for all."  I thought it was just gorgeous.  I never have a bunch of scraps laying around that are of the same weight and size enough to make an afghan.  I just bought some yarn.

I wanted to make mine in colors that would look good in my living room.  My living room is very fallish in theme and color.  Lots of fall colors and leaves every where.  I found some Soft Red Heart yarn in the perfect colors to with the pattern.  I wrote out a list of the colors the afghan called for and the colors I was replacing them with.  Orange with Tangerine, black with chocolate, white with off white, green with leaf, red with paprika, blue with mid blue, pink with grape and yellow with toast.  Yes, that's lots of colors to keep track of and more colors with which I've ever worked.

I needed to devise an organizing system to keep my yarn from turning into a tangled mess and from me losing my mind.  When all of a sudden a box that had come into the house went DING in my head.  I ran out to the garage to grab it before it got recycled.  Once I used my ball winder to turn my skeins into what they call cakes it was perfect.  I keep my size I crochet needle, scissor and reading glasses in the box.  I've also added a copy of the pattern for my own use.  The book was getting beaten up in the box.  I wanted to keep it in good condition in case I wanted to do another pattern later on. 

The project is ready to work at a moments notice.  While it seems very organized and convenient.  It doesn't travel well.  So, I do most of the work at home.  I have taken it into my car while watching and waiting at Cross Country practices.  It is too cumbersome to really say drag into a coffee shop or my guild meetings.

I began the project last fall.  My then 15 year old daughter asked in the beginning stages what I was making.  I told her an afghan.  Her eyebrows shot up and she said, "Wow you've got a long ways to go."  Once I had gotten to the  2 inches wide stage.  Dear Daughter said, "Wow mom your belt is looking great."  I began to explain to her it was an afghan not a belt when I noticed the smirk on her face and knew she was teasing me.  HEY! I said.

When I got to the 8 inched wide stage Dear Daughter said, "That's a great looking scarf mom."  It had been about month since it was 2 inches wide.  I began to explain to her it was an afghan not a scarf when I noticed the smirk on her face.  HEY! She got me again.

Now it's about 1 1/2 feet wide and covers my legs.  I haven't heard any more comments from the peanut gallery.  I think it's gained some respect in the afghan world.

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