Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Look What I Did Today!

Yep cut my hair.  Well, my friend and hair dresser Ranell cut my hair. 

Last May my daughter got her hair cut for her 2nd donation to Locks of Love.  It got me to thinking that I needed a hair cut.  My daughter said, "You know mom if you gave it a few more months your hair would be long enough to donate too."  I thought why not.  I asked her how long should I let it grow.  She said, "How about next May?"  I said, "NO! I desperately want a hair cut now I couldn't go a whole nother year.  How about January?"  She and I agree another 6 months should do it.

Come October I was waking up with my hair wrapped around my neck.  I felt like I just had to have a hair cut.  I'd reminded myself January is not that far away for someone who needs my hair.  So, for 3 more months I put it in pony tails, buns and braids to try and deal with this mop on my head.

Next thing I knew January was here.  Then I kept forgetting to call Ranell and make an appointment.  Finally got around to it last week.  Today was my appointment.  It was no secret I was getting my hair cut, but I must not have talked about it much.  As I saw each of my family members today and different times each were so shocked and surprised that my long hair was gone.

Most of my friends and family wanted to see and hold my braid and thought it was neat.  My 18 year old son jokingly said, "Get that thing away from me it's creepy."  Of course I had to tickle him with it and watch him get the creeps.  I told him I'd have to hide, because I'd find him cuddle up with it in the morning.  He said, "No you won't because I don't cuddle.... RAT TAILS!"  He's so funny and makes me laugh.

My braid measures 12 inches and I'm proud to have a decent donation.  My hair cut is pretty cute too.

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