Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Christmas Card Challenge for April

The challenge to the challenge was to make a card that was different from the usual rectangular shape. I was game as I had seen a wonderful round card at KWERNERDESIGNBLOG. I had a lot of fun making them, but soon discovered that though they look beautiful they make not be a holiday favorite. They tend to roll. I have thought about experimenting with cutting a sliver off the bottom edge of the cards to see if that stabilizes them. My cards may be rolling off of mantles across America come this December if I don't figure out a way to stop them.
I've been using a technique this month that I really like and
yet never remember to do. My friends Sandy and Shannon reminded them this month. I've been inking the edges of items I'm making. For some reason it just makes things look nicer. Kind of makes the edges look finished instead of waiting to be finished.
Thought I'd sneak in one more photo OK maybe 2 where my son will never find out. hehe He's been wearing hair long for about 5 years. He's had a little cut off about 3 times during the past five years, but not
much. His Father, Grandfather and Uncle have just been giving him fits about his hair. Like none of them have ever worn their hair longer. My Dad is bald and always lamenting his hair and my brother is nearly bald. I've been defending my son's right to wear his hair any way he likes all along. My only prerequisites were it had to combed and clean. I finally got through to my dad saying "What if Erik goes bald like you? Wouldn't you want him to enjoy his hair while he has it?" He hasn't really said any thing since. Well last month Erik told me he was really over having long hair. I waited to see if he actually asked me to take him in for a cut. I made him ask me 3 different times. I just wanted to make sure it was his decision and not pressuring from male relatives. He was ready and boy did he go short. I've of course always thought he was handsome, but with this cut the world is finding him handsome. He's a little embarrassed by the attention, but I think he likes it too. After is first day of school following his hair cut I asked how everyone liked it. He said, "Mom even the teachers were hitting on me!" His spanish teacher said, "Enrique es muy guapo... verdad chicas?"


  1. Your cards are always so wonderful, I would find a way to keep it from rolling off my non-existant mantle if I were lucky enough to get one!

    As for your son, he looks so much more handsome with his shorter hair!

  2. Oh wow Lynne he does look different. Like M-C said he does look much more handsome :) He'll have the girls coming in droves now :)

  3. I give you loads of credit for working on christmas cards, wish I could but I just don't have it in me.

    Your son looks handsome with his short hair. He's going to have to fight off those girls with a stick.
